The first three weeks of July, I took a recess from recording and mixing to do a few out of town shows with my friends in Thunderhead. It was fun to go out and play loud rock guitar for live peoples again. Here is a picture from my “office window” at the big amphitheater we played in Kansas City, MO. 😉 The guy standing centerstage is my guitar tech and very good pal, Scott Roever doing a final line check of my acoustic guitars moments before we hit the stage. Looking good, KC!
#summerconcerts #liveconcerts #musicforlife #rockconcerts #dreamconcert #kansascity #kcmo #providenceamphitheater #thunderhead #guitar #guitarlove #marshallamps #gcxgroundcontrol #gibsonguitars #fenderguitars #thunderchicken #whereswaldo #foundwaldo #loudrock #landoftheloud #lifeontheroad #rockfestival #lifeisgood